Game of Shrooms

A marker illustration on cut-out cardboard of a little mushroom man wearing shorts. The mushroom character has aghast expression on his face and his hands raised dramatically in shock.

As part of Game of Shrooms 2023, I hid this cardboard mushroom guy in my neighbourhood for someone to find and keep. He was snatched up around 2pm after spending a few hours hanging out behind a park bench. This years event was on 10 June 2023.

Game of Shrooms is a worldwide art and seek event where artists hide original mushroom themed artworks in public places for others to find and keep. The idea is to give seekers a few hints on the day to help them in their search. Seekers can see who is going to be hiding art in their area over on the offical map. You can check out what other artists came up with here on instagram.

This was my first ever year joining in as an artist. I’ve been wanting to get involved for quite a few years now. I got a big mischievous grin on my face when I got a message on instagram confirming my little guy had been found, followed by a bunch of other messages from people asking if they still had a chance to find him.

Community events that exist for no other reason than having some wholesome, silly and non-commercialised fun are rare and I’m keen to get myself and some friends involved next year.

The map of artist locations from this year is a work of art in and of itself

New stuff

  • Photo of a small sketchbook page featuring sketches of a girl crouching nude in high heels, some mushrooms, a bird with long legs and some weird ugly monster guys. The images are arranged like a collage.